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Manure to Energy - The Utah project

Virtually any type of fat can be used for bio-diesel production. These include animal fats from rendering, vegetable oils such as soybean or corn oil, or restaurant grease. The choice of fat has not been made for the Utah project, and likely will depend on market prices and the availability of the different sources.

Bio-diesel is a clean-burning alternative to fossil-fuel-derived diesel. Diesel engines were actually invented to run on bio-diesel, and they run cleanest on such fuel as bio-diesel, is essentially free of sulfur and aromatics (organic compounds with a ring structure). Bio-diesel can be used as a fuel by itself, in which case minor engine modifications may be required. Alternatively, bio-diesel can be blended with fossil-fuel-based diesel in a 20:80 ratio to yield B20, which can be used in conventional diesel engines. For the Utah project, the objective is to produce B20. For more information on biodiesel, go to: www.biodiesel.org.

Smithfield Foods has formed a new subsidiary to run this project, named Best Biofuel, LLC. This company works with several partners to realize the Utah project. More information about this company can be found at: www.bestbiofuels.com/index.html.

The main benefit of the Utah project is energy recovery, odor abatement, and reduction of the biological and chemical oxygen demand of the manure. The project in its current form does not address minerals such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which are the minerals based on which land-application of manure is or will be regulated. The potential to harvest energy from a waste stream, though, is a tremendous step toward not only more sustainable animal production but also a more sustainable U.S. economy. It reduces dependence on foreign energy sources while reducing emissions that may harm the environment.

Reproduced Courtesy

Source: North Carolina State University Swine Extension - July 2003

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