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Livestock and the Environment

The Veterinary Infectious Disease Organization in Saskatoon determined the air 600 metres downwind of a swine barn is as fresh as air 2.4 kilometres upwind of a swine barn. The researchers concluded air 600 metres downwind of a hog barn does not pose more risk of infection than fresh air.

Ontario Farmers Lead By Example

Farmers are recognized as world leaders in environmental management, practices such as replenishing the soil, improving water quality, and minimizing pesticide use. In the last decade, over 26,000 Ontario farmers have made environmental improvements through the Environmental Farm Plan program. Over $100 million of their own money has been invested in on-farm environmental improvements, including new manure storages, tree planting and stream restorations.

When the scent of manure is in the air or an environmental issue is on the news, we might stop to think about livestock farming for a minute. The reality is less than 3% of Canadians farmtoday, leaving few people who actually know the hows and whys of today抯 livestock farms and their environmental practices.

Farmers are the original environmentalists and they strive to maintain a balance: their land, animals and businesses depend on it. This resource is designed to give you the farmers?perspective and answer some common questions about livestock and the environment.

LocationPig Livestock
Units/HectareOntario0.16China0.56Denmark0.65United States0.03Source: Barrington, Macdonald College

Canada has a rich land base with 168 million acres of farm land: approximately 2/3 suitable for growing crops and 1/3 suitable for grazing livestock.

Today抯 farms are larger than in the past, but are still operated with thesame core values and commitment. 98% of farms are family owned as families work together to grow crops and raise livestock.

One human pollutes (on a volume basis) approximately 100 gallons of clean water per day.

Two counties in North Carolina produce more hogs than all of Canada.


1 Fleming, R., Hocking, D., MacAlpine, M., and Johnston, J., 1999, Investigation of manure production in typical 3-site hog facilities.

2 Myths and Facts, Ontario Farm Animal Council

3 Neighbours and Livestock Operations: Perceptions and Realities. Dr. W. Caldwell, andM. Williams, University of Guelph, 2002

Source: Ontario Pork - December 2003

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