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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Swine Production Systems

On the manure treatment front, anaerobic biodigestion processes offer the potential of convertingthe methane produced through the microbial decomposition of manure into carbon dioxide if thatmethane is used to generate energy. The potential benefits of that option with respect to GHGemissions are twofold: 1. methane, a more potent GHG gas, would be substituted by carbondioxide and, 2. the energy generated would result in an overall reduction in the use of fossilfuels.

What Lies Ahead?

Whether or not the Kyoto Protocol or any other international commitment to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions are implemented in the near future, it is unlikely that the currentglobal warming trend will be stopped. The Earth's climate will continue to change and humanactivities, including agriculture and swine production, will need to adapt to these newenvironmental conditions. Where and how pork is produced in Canada will most likely have tochange in light of the different warming trends that will be experienced in the different regions of the country.

Source - Prairie Swine Centre - February 2004

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