表1 16起疑似疫情诊断结果统计表
Table 1 Results of diagnosis of 16 assumed PMWS
混合感染病原 病例数 混合感染所占比例(% )
(Complex pathogeny infected) (Amount of cases) (Scale of Complex infections)
PCV-2+HCV 5 31.25% (5/16)
PCV-2+PRRSV 2 12.50% (2/16)
PCV-2+PRRSV+HPP 3 18.75% (3/16)
PCV-2+ HPP 1 6.25% (1/16)
其他(others) 5 31.25% (5/16)
表2 血清检测结果统计表
Table 2 Result of serological test
检测项目(test item) 检测数量(Amount of test) 阳性率(Scale measured up)(%)
阳性数(Amount measured up) 被检数 (Amount tested)
猪瘟(HC) 118 135 87.41
口蹄疫O型(Type O of FMD ) 65 101 64.36
猪传染性胸膜肺炎(APP) 72 116 62.07
猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎(AR) 41 75 54.67