Control losses from MMA and locomotor disorders |
网友投稿 2007-09-18 互联网 |
By Frank Düring and Gabriele Friton, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health GmbH, Ingelheim, Germany. This article looks at the effects mastitis, metritis and agalactia (MMA) and locomotor disorders have in pig productivity.Control losses from MMA and locomotor disorders - By Frank D黵ing and Gabriele Friton, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health GmbH, Ingelheim, Germany. This article looks at the effects MMA and locomotor disorders have in pig productivity. Within pig production, MMA and locomotor disorders are among the leading causes of disease and loss,and constitute major threats to the success and profitability in piglet production and fattening. Up to one third of total mortality in fattening and piglet production can be caused by locomotor problems, contributing the largest share of loss; 10 to 20% of cullings in sows have their origin in locomotor problems. In fatteners, weight development was found to be slowed down by 8% in piglets suffering from lameness (birth to nine weeks of age).
On average, between 15-25% of all sows, and thus their litters, are affected by MMA. Piglet mortalitywas reported to be 4-5% higher in litters from sows suffering from MMA as compared to non infected sows. Considering all direct costs associated with MMA, lost income of about
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